DENVER - Today, Governor Polis announced that Colorado and local communities have drawn down historic federal funding to support infrastructure projects across the state. Since the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA or “Bipartisan Infrastructure Law”) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Colorado has worked to ensure local communities and governments have the resources and support they need to bring this funding into Colorado communities.
WATKINS, CO – Last month, the Colorado Aeronautical Board (CAB) approved a second round of 2024 Colorado Discretionary Aviation Grant (CDAG) funding totalling $4.7 million. This funding was approved unanimously, and will be utilized as a match for federally-funded airport projects across Colorado.
AURORA – The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has recognized the Aurora-South Metro Small Business Development Center (SBDC) as this year’s winner of the SBDC Excellence and Innovation Center award. The center is being recognized for its pivotal role in driving economic growth in Colorado and fostering the spirit, support and success of the state’s entrepreneurs and innovators.
DENVER - Today, Governor Polis appointed Ian J. MacLaren to the Dolores County Court in the 22nd Judicial District. The vacancy was created by the resignation of the Honorable Matthew G. Margeson and is effective June 1, 2024.
DENVER - Today, Governor Polis signed legislation to provide historic funding to Colorado institutions to strengthen Colorado’s healthcare and veterinarian workforce, including creating Colorado’s third medical school. Just like the rest of the nation, Colorado faces a shortage of doctors, nurses, veterinarians, and other healthcare professionals. Governor Polis and legislative leaders are investing additional funding to create Colorado’s third medical school and support program and facility expansion at three other institutions to address this need for future generations. This bold investment will address Colorado’s healthcare workforce shortages, ensure Coloradans and their pets get the high-quality care they need, and provide Colorado’s critical agriculture Industry with the veterinary care they need.
DENVER - Today, Governor Polis released a statement applauding the Biden Administration’s decision to reschedule cannabis, removing barriers including saving Colorado businesses from the heavy financial burden that 280E punitive tax measures created.
DENVER - On April 25, the Biden administration made several major announcements that will expand the use of clean energy, improve the electric grid, and save homeowners money by improving the energy efficiency of homes. These include a new power plant standard, key regulations for new and expanded access to electric transmission, and a strengthening of efficiency requirements for new houses and multifamily units that are purchased with key federally backed loans.
DENVER - Today, Governor Polis announced that Democratic legislative leaders, industry, and the environmental community have agreed on a new legislative package that makes major progress on air quality, ozone, and climate goals while focusing on an economy-wide transition that will support a stronger Colorado future for generations to come. This is a thoughtful agreement that is the result of hundreds of hours of hard work, convening conversations among, at times, adversarial parties, and putting in the effort to seek consensus and forge a better path forward for Colorado. As a result, the parties have agreed that new costly, divisive legislation or ballot measures that impact the operations of industry, new regulatory changes for oil and gas, or ozone regulations is not in the best interest of the state.
DENVER - Today, in addition to HB24-1430, 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill, Governor Polis signed the following bills into law during a ceremony at the State Capitol Building.
DENVER - Today, Governor Polis signed the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 state budget to continue building a stronger, safer, and more affordable Colorado. This budget focuses on providing students and teachers with the tools they need to succeed, creating more housing Coloradans can afford, and investing in data-driven public safety initiatives to make Colorado one of the top ten safest states, all while maintaining healthy reserves to prepare Colorado for any future economic downturns.