Press Releases

  • Friday, December 9, 2022

    Polis-Primavera Administration Announces Behavioral Health Grant Opportunities and Toolkit to Help Communities Apply

    DENVER- Today, the Polis-Primavera administration and Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) announced that over $130 million in grant opportunities supporting behavioral health care are now available for eligible parties to apply. The grant programs focus on implementing innovative, data-driven behavioral health strategies that meet the needs of individual communities and expanding crime prevention. As part of these grant opportunities, the BHA has partnered with Colorado Health Institute to provide technical assistance to applicants through the community behavioral health services toolkit which will support navigating the application process and creating the most effective projects for each community. 
  • Friday, December 9, 2022

    Gov. Polis Announces Boards and Commissions Appointments

    Automobile Theft Prevention Board

    The board shall solicit and review applications for grants that assist in improving and supporting automobile theft prevention programs or programs for the enforcement or prosecution of automobile theft crimes through statewide planning and coordination. 

    for terms expiring February 1, 2024:

  • Thursday, December 8, 2022

    Polis Administration Announces $5 Million Federal Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Planning Grant Awarded to Colorado

    DENVER - Today, the Polis administration announced that the National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) is awarding Colorado over $5 million to prepare for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) funding program.  The BEAD program is the country’s largest-ever investment in broadband, and provides funding to build infrastructure and provide equitable opportunities through access to the internet. 
  • Thursday, December 8, 2022

    Saving Coloradans Money on Broadband: Polis Administration Announces $171 Million Broadband Project Grant from U.S. Treasury Capital Projects Fund

    DENVER - Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury approved the Colorado Broadband Office’s (CBO) plan to spend $171 million from the American Rescue Plan's Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF) to connect more Colorado households to high-speed internet. The CPF grant will be used to connect 18,000 unserved households with reliable internet, fund fiber infrastructure projects to prepare for future internet needs, and support Colorado communities with the most urgent broadband needs. CPF and future federal broadband funding will be administered to subgrantee recipients through the Advance Colorado Broadband grant program in 2023.
  • Tuesday, December 6, 2022

    Gov. Polis Orders Flags Lowered to Honor National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

    DENVER — Today, Governor Jared Polis ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff beginning at midnight on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, until midnight on Thursday, December 8, 2022, in honor of National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day as directed by President Biden. The flag will be at half-staff for the entire day on Wednesday.
  • Monday, December 5, 2022

    Saving People Money on Healthcare: Polis-Primavera Administration Submits Canadian Drug Importation Plan to the FDA

    DENVER  - Today, the Polis-Primavera administration and the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (Department) submitted Colorado’s proposal to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to import prescription drugs from Canada. The submission is the first step in requesting federal approval to operate Colorado’s Canadian Drug Importation Program, which aims to save Colorado consumers and employers an average of 65% on imported medications. The Department’s recent analysis shows that importation could result in $53 to $88 million in savings annually, depending on market adoption.
  • Friday, December 2, 2022

    Governor’s Mansion Decorated Shiny and Bright for Holiday Season, Public Tours Available for Coloradans 

    DENVER —  The Governor’s Residence at the Boettcher Mansion is decorated for the holiday season by Governor Polis’s staff and volunteers. The Governor’s team selects a theme for the thoughtfully designed decorations throughout each room of the mansion. The 2022 theme is a shiny and bright holiday.  The mansion's exterior is also decorated with lights for Coloradans to enjoy. 
  • Thursday, December 1, 2022

    Polis Administration Launches Innovative Grant Program to Connect Colorado Workers with New Opportunities  

    DENVER – Governor Polis and the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) announced a new grant program: Opportunity Now Colorado. The grant program is designed to help communities across Colorado create and expand innovative workforce and talent development initiatives. The goal of the program is to help connect more Coloradans with in-demand, high-skill, high-wage occupations.