Governor Polis Announces New Line of Colorado-Themed Shoes

Monday, April 1, 2024

DENVER - Today, Governor Jared Polis announced a new Colorado-themed shoe line. The Colorado-themed footwear line will highlight our beautiful state while promoting Colorado in a unique and fashionable way. The announcement of the shoe line merges Governor Polis's blue-themed shoe apparel worn during his 2018 run for Governor and fan-favorite Colorado-themed shoes he now often wears.

“Many Coloradans know me for my signature blue sneakers or my Colorado-themed sneakers, they are an important part of my daily attire, especially as I travel across the state to visit with Coloradans. Now, I’m thrilled to launch my own line of shoes so that every person can experience comfort without sacrificing style. This shoe line isn’t about me, it’s an ode to the Colorado way of life. With an affordable shoe for every lifestyle, you can choose the style that works best for you while showcasing your love for Colorado,” said Governor Jared Polis.

New projections show this new and affordable Colorado-themed shoe line will quickly outpace other, recently launched shoe lines including a gaudy gold shoe launched by a former President. All proceeds will go toward the enhancement and preservation of Colorado’s world-class public lands.

The shoe line launched by the Governor will include a signature blue tennis shoe, casual, running, and hiking footwear with the Colorado logo featured. To celebrate baseball season, the line will also include a limited edition cleat.



Governor Polis to launch Colorado-themed shoe line. Image of blue shoes.


Colorado-themed shoe line. Black and blue running shoe with Colorado logo


Colorado-themed shoe line. Blue outdoor shoes with orange and white color accents with Colorado logo


Colorado-themed shoe line. Dark blue suede casual shoes with Colorado logo


Colorado-themed shoe line. Blue Baseball cleats with white color accents and Colorado logo


If you’ve made it this far. Happy April Fool’s Day. Colorado logo


If you’ve made it this far, happy April Fool’s Day.