Gov. Polis Provides Update on COVID-19 & Plans for Vaccine Boosters

Monday, September 13, 2021

DENVER- Governor Jared Polis provided an update on Colorado’s response to the pandemic and the state’s plans to provide boosters beginning on September 20 to the more than 75% of eligible Coloradans who are already vaccinated. Gov. Polis was joined by Scott Bookman, COVID-19 Incident Commander, and Jamie Pieper, Lieutenant Colonel in the Colorado National Guard and Senior Advisor for COVID 19 Vaccination.

“The state has been working hard to ensure we continue to protect Coloradans and our most vulnerable from this deadly virus. Colorado has the resources and the infrastructure in place to continue offering the vaccine to the unvaccinated to end the pandemic, while also distributing boosters,” said Governor Jared Polis. “We have the ability to end the pandemic and have to show the will to end it — getting the safe and effective vaccine is the best way to protect yourself and your family and to end the pain brought on by this pandemic.”

The federal government has informed the public that September 20 is the planned date to begin providing boosters to the general population and in mid-August, the state of Colorado advised vaccination providers to offer third doses to immunocompromised Coloradans. To break down barriers to immunocompromised Coloradans getting their third dose, the state has made it so Coloradans can self-report their conditions, including simply stating they have a weak immune system due to age and preexisting conditions. 

A third dose of the vaccine allows the immunocompromised to achieve the same level of protection from the COVID-19 virus that healthy people have with two doses. 2.4% of Coloradans have received boosters to date.

“Every single county has at least one vaccine provider in their county so please get the safe and effective vaccine today and urge your friends and family to join you. The effort to vaccinate 75% of Coloradans has been a remarkable effort between the state and our providers. We’re not done yet and we will do all that we can to vaccinate the remaining 25% while ensuring that it is easy for all Coloradans to receive the booster when it is their turn to get it,” said COVID-19 Incident Commander Scott Bookman. 

“Our initial vaccine plan focused on protecting our most vulnerable populations like our seniors and our booster plan will follow a similar goal of saving the most lives. The State is currently working with our long-term care facilities to ensure that we can provide boosters to our most vulnerable,” said Lieutenant Colonel Jamie Pieper, Colorado National Guard and Senior Advisor for COVID-19 Vaccination. “We are being aggressive with our planning estimates and making the forward-thinking assumption that 100% of Coloradans who received their second dose vaccines will want to receive a booster.”

More than 75% of all eligible Coloradans have received at least one dose of the vaccine and efforts continue to reach each and every unvaccinated Coloradan. The majority of people hospitalized due to COVID-19 are unvaccinated. 

For more information on where to get the vaccine, please visit 

View today’s press conference.